In a world where screens dominate our attention and genuine interactions scarcely exist anymore, Dixit emerges as a fun tool and a means of improving your creative thinking skills and connections at the same time. Beyond the laughter and Read more
Are adults truly destined to lose touch with their creative potential as they grow older? In a world that often prioritizes conformity and practicality, the notion of nurturing creativity in adults may seem far-fetched. However, a fascinating study conducted Read more
In today’s fast-paced and interconnected world, the ability to innovate and generate new ideas is crucial for individuals, organisations, and society. One of the key drivers behind successful creativity and innovation is the cultivation of collaboration and diversity. Collaboration Read more
Can you combine business and pleasure?
I might scroll through Instagram on a regular basis. Not that I’m proud to admit it, as I know just how much valuable time is wasted as the screen sucks away your focus Read more
A great of example of doing the unexpected, in his legendary book Change, psychologist Paul Watzlawick tells the story of Margaret, the Countess of Tyrol, a remarkable woman – fearless and formidable. Having been cheated out of her inheritance Read more
For most of us, Play-Doh brings to mind childhood memories of hours spent making art projects and moulds with the colourful clay at school or home. For me it brings memories of quality time with my mom in the Read more